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china purple garlic

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Purple garlic is a type of garlic that is grown in China. It is a variety of garlic china purple garlic that has a purple skin and a white interior. Purple garlic is thought to have a more intense flavor than other types of garlic. It is also thought to be healthier than other types of garlic, as it contains higher levels of antioxidants.

Garlic is a popular herb used in cooking. There are many different types of garlic, but one type that is gaining popularity is purple garlic. Purple garlic is a type of garlic that has a deep purple color. It has a strong flavor and is said to have some health benefits, such as improving heart health and reducing the risk of cancer.

Purple garlic can be found in specialty stores or online. It can be used in the same way as regular garlic, but it should be cooked for a bit longer, since it is more potent. Some people also like to eat it raw.

China is the world’s leading producer of garlic, accounting for about 60% of global production. The country has around 300 different types of garlic, including the purple variety which is sweet and aromatic. Garlic is an important ingredient in Chinese cuisine and is used in soups, stir-fries, sauces and marinades. It is also used to make pickles, jams and wine.

Purple garlic is a type of garlic that is grown in China. The cloves are purple in color, and the flavor is said to be milder than other types of garlic. Purple garlic is sometimes used in cooking, and it is also said to have medicinal properties.

A natural herb with numerous health-giving benefits due to its antibiotic, anti-fungal, anti-worm and antiseptic properties, it can be used effectively and safely against various illness. It can be used to treat yeast and fungal infections such as thrush, candida or even athlete’s foot. Even chronic infections of the mouth, throat, stomach, vaginal infections and the skin, have shown positive results when treated with garlic. Numerous scientific researches have reconfirmed the herb’s potency against a broad spectrum of bacteria since the successful one done by Louis Pasteur in 1858.

The bulb has to be minced or crushed in order to be effective. This is to allow alliin, the unique sulfur-containing amino acid in the whole bulb, to be converted into the potent, main health-giving sulfur compound, allicin, with its characteristic pungent taste and strong smell. When cooked, allicin changes into various sulfides which are also effective medicines. One of them, ajoene, is highly effective in preventing blood clots. Taking it on a regular basis changes the blood’s long-term tendency to clot.

Garlic’s ability to treat fungal infections has been widely practiced through the ages. In a report in the German scientific periodical, Journal of Bacteria and Hygiene, certain bacteria and yeast, as well as candida that were found to be not responding to synthetic antibiotics, responded to compressed garlic juice and also the capsules as well as tablets.

In China, garlic juice is taken for typhoid and garlic soup is drunk to prevent coughs and colds, especially in winter. Just taking a clove of the raw herb daily, is also found to be effective as a preventive measure.

That, infectious diseases such as colds and flu recovered faster when treated with garlic instead of the usual course of antibiotics, were confirmed in studies way back in 1950 as reported in the Medical Monthly, a German periodical. It was also reported that taking the herb just before bedtime produced the best results.

From the numerous researches done on the health benefits of this wonder herb by scientists all over the world, garlic seems to have direct benefits against several common modern diseases such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, infectious diseases, cancer, cell damages by free radicals, anti-aging, besides boosting the immune system and the heart.

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