Certain items, like a fleece jacket, will do hard duty and be smelly at the end of the trek – don’t fret about it, everyone smells. Other essential items might include medications, toiletries and high-energy snacks . Your preparation hikes should ideally mimic the trekking conditions as much as possible.

Rubber seriously cuts down on the sound your trekking poles make as you walk. It goes from being a constant click-clack-click-clack to a fraction of the sound your shoes make as you walk. Check out my post explaining the benefits of all the different types of trekking pole tips.

We advise going to a gear shop to be fitted by an expert who will talk you through the range of boots on offer and find the best boot to suit your foot type. Look for a rucksack or backpack with wide shoulder straps as these distribute the weight better. You don’t want thin straps digging into your shoulders as you trek. You also want padded hip belts, especially with a rucksack. These let you carry some of the weight on your hips – a must!

These are tips that all solo hikers need to think about as they are planning the next step. You don’t want to go ahead and risk everything without being smart about your approach. It is easy to get lost out in the wilderness, and there are many stories of people who have gone down this route and never come back. Great Product deliverd on time I use my trekking poles inside to aid my mobility rather than a cane or crutches, and these tips are quiet, others are noisy. The naked metal tips are perfect for hikes on gravel and ice. If used excessively, eventually they will wear off, therefore, we recommend using the provided accessories on all other terrains.

And you can extend the life of your poles by covering them with rubber tips, especially if you use your poles on hard surfaces. It’s important you read through your trips notes to get an idea of the type of terrain you’ll be walking on during your trek. Try to do some walking that mimics the conditions you will experience on your trek as closely as you can. The more you practice on hills, the more prepared you’ll be for your trek, especially if you’re trekking in the mountains. Find some stairs at your local park and do a couple of sets each week. Hiking boots are generally better than hiking shoes, as the former offers more ankle support, has thicker tread, and has a more durable fabrication.

Sweaty arm pits are normal when trekking; but a soaking wet back is not – you’re wearing too many layers. Believe it or not there are different styles of poles tips. One style is ‘boot’ shaped and is often used for fitness walking.

If you plan to utilize poles mainly for exercise, fitness tips might be the best choice. Carbide tips on trekking poles are great for off-road, more rugged terrain as they help you to dig into anything from hard-rock to uneven softer trails. Made of vulcanized rubber, these tips are perfect for nordic walking, street walking, beach walking, trail hiking, or anywhere karakoram trek Pakistan you don’t want your metal tips hitting a hard surface. Naturally, there are a million more things you can bring but these are just the essential items that you need to take with you. What you pack will also largely depend on where you are going and the type of climate you will be dealing with. One step at a time, you push yourself further than you ever had before.

Even if it’s not snowing out in the forecast, the roads can be closed because of snow. Some roads are closed for the whole season.It doesn’t hurt to give the park a call before you leave as well. Just call, tell them what hike you’re doing, and ask if all the trails are open.

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