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How Can A Neurologist Help With Acute Low Back Pain? Surgery & Treatment Options

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Many neurologists take additional training in a specialization such as epilepsy, pain management or sleep medicine. Examples of medical issues that a neurosurgeon might treat include brain injuries , tumors, stroke, epilepsy, fluid buildup in the brain, and any issues relating to blood supply to the brain. Neurosurgeons also treat spinal problems such as neck injury neurology expert witness neck pain, back pain, leg pain , or shoulder pain caused by disc problems , trauma or spinal/neck arthritis. Since nerve problems can occur anywhere in the body, a neurosurgeon may also treat nerve pain that may not specifically be in the back, neck or head areas. Neurosurgeons and spine specialists, like Dr. Fayaz, do more than just operate on patients.

In the end, regardless of the treatment we prescribe, you will be able to have the confidence that it’s the right one. Neurosurgery is closely associated with neurology in that both require specialized knowledge of the nervous system and its functions. Both neurosurgeons and neurologists may perform complex neurological testing like EEG, MRI, and CT scans to monitor the brain, and both may use minimally invasive procedures to repair blood vessels within the brain. If you or a loved one has a neurological disorder that necessitates regular care, a neurologist will often be your primary health care provider.

Quite often, the physiatrist will coordinate a patient’s team of specialists, ensuring a treatment plan that effectively addresses your specific medical needs. With knowledge, expertise, and experience, our specialists place patient needs at the top of the priority list in order to provide you specific and individualized care. To learn more about our neurologists and orthopedic doctors, please don’t hesitate to call our offices.

Some of the common conditions they treat include headaches, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, sleep disorders, pain, brain tumors, peripheral nerve disorders, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis . Some neurologists focus on a subspecialty like neurophysiology, pediatric neurology, epilepsy, vascular neurology, behavioral neurology, or others. While it’s true that neurosurgeons can perform complicated surgical procedures in the spine and brain, its often non-surgical or conservative care that is prescribed. Diagnosing your condition and coming up with a treatment plan that is progressive in nature is typical with most neurosurgeons. For example, back pain may be treated medically with anti-inflammatory drugs, physical therapy and other non-surgical means.

While some doctors tend to focus on the overall health of their patients and evaluate a range of health conditions that affect all parts of the body, others choose to focus on one particular area, or speciality, of medicine. An example of this is a neurologist, who focuses on the diagnosis and non-surgical treatment of disorders affecting the nerves, brain, and spinal cord. A neurologist is a specialist who treats diseases in the brain and spinal cord , peripheral nerves , and muscles.

A neurologist can be a medical healthcare provider or another licensed practitioner. When your neck or back pain first starts, your family healthcare provider, general practitioner , or primary care physician is probably your best bet. They may prescribe some painkillers, give you a few exercises to do, and possibly send you to a physical therapist. A neurologist is trained to discover the causes of symptoms, as well as using EMG testing to assess the injury to nerves and whether it is reversible in the short and long term. This simple series of X-Rays, in addition the MRI testing, can radically change the way spine pain is treated. Overall, you will need to make the decision that works best for you, but seeing a neurologist for back and neck pain can provide you with non-surgical treatment alternatives.

And even if you decide to see a spinal surgeon for potential back surgery, a neurologist can still help with your diagnosis, referral, and long-term care. In some respects, your neurologist is like a primary care doctor for your nervous system. What this means is that they will provide you with all the long-term care you need whether you decide to use surgical or non-surgical treatments. This is especially important after recovering from spinal surgery, since most surgeons specialize in short-term care that revolves around the surgical procedure. Depending on your diagnosis, your neurologist will be able to recommend spinal surgeons that are appropriate for treating your back and neck pain. Although neurologists don’t perform surgery themselves, they may also be able to offer advice on certain types of surgical techniques and/or spinal surgeons that can help with your procedure.

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