Oral Health

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Deliver sugary treats such as hard or sticky candies and opt for nutritious options such as raw vegetables, fruits, yogurt and popcorn. Don’t forget to brush after itching to keep cavities at bay. If you cannot brush, rinse your mouth with water to lose food particles. The most important Zahnarzt Zürich step you can take to keep your teeth healthy this winter is to make an appointment for control and cleaning, especially if you are late. By following the tips above, maintaining your dental health routine and performing a check, you can keep your teeth healthy all winter long.

Dr. Niles is committed to providing her patients with the best and most advanced dentistry the profession has to offer. Call her today and make an appointment before the end of the year so you can keep healthy teeth and gums during the holidays and next year. You could also consider giving them a new toothbrush and their own tube of toothpaste as part of their holiday booty. The holidays are here and suddenly every step of the way there is a plate of neighbor’s candy, an office party or dinner with his friends and family.

Houd uw tandenborstel onder een kleine hoek vast en wijs de borstelharen naar het gebied waar uw tand uw tandvlees ontmoet. Te veel poetsen of met harde haren kan het tandvlees beschadigen. Het is aangetoond dat roken tandvleesaandoeningen veroorzaakt. Het verzwakt je immuunsysteem, waardoor het moeilijk wordt om tandvleesinfectie te bestrijden. Roken maakt het moeilijk voor je tandvlees om te genezen als ze eenmaal beschadigd zijn.

Although fluoride has been investigated by those concerned about its effects on other health areas, it remains a pillar of oral health. This is because fluoride is a leading defense against caries. It works by fighting germs that can cause decomposition, and also provides a protective barrier for teeth. The way you brush is equally important; in fact, doing badly to brush your teeth is almost as bad as not brushing at all.

Drink gefluorideerd water en gebruik fluoridetandpasta. Een gezonde mond kan je helpen goed te eten, pijn te vermijden en je goed te voelen over jezelf. Onderneem stappen om je mond gezond te houden, ongeacht je leeftijd. Droge mond kan worden veroorzaakt door medicijnen; alcohol of tabak; of medische aandoeningen, zoals slecht gecontroleerde diabetes.

But it can still be damaged by eating foods that have a high concentration of sugar or acid, or even by brushing too much. Tandemail protects the sensitive interior of the tooth, so it is important that it remains intact. All major cities have replenished their fluoride drinking water to help improve the dental health of their citizens. Some have expressed concerns that there may be a link between fluoridated water and some cancers, but there is no research to support those concerns. When choosing a toothpaste, look for a product that contains fluoride in the formula instead of just looking for a pleasant fragrance and taste. It combats germs, bacteria and forms a protective layer on the teeth.

Microorganisms that can grow on your toothbrush thrive in a humid environment. A lot of airflow around the bristles helps keep your brush dry. Replace toothbrushes every three to four months and watch out for frayed and worn bristles.

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