Moderate alcohol consumption was found to reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke or hardened arteries by 25% to 40%. This may be due to the fact that small amounts of alcohol can increase lipoprotein cholesterol levels with high density, which is good for the body. A drink can contain 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine or 1.5 ounces of spirits (44.3 ml).
Moderate drinking is at the point where the health benefits of alcohol clearly outweigh the risks. If weight loss is your intention, vodka can be a reasonable alcohol option. According to the USDA Data Nutrient Laboratory, vodka is carbohydrate-free and only 64 calories per ounce.
Research shows that alcohol consumption can increase blood pressure. It is even believed that moderate consumption increases blood pressure over time. Anecdotal evidence suggests that regular consumption of vodka can increase triglyceride and cholesterol levels.
Curious about the impact your glass of vodka can have on your cholesterol levels? It turns out that drinking a moderate amount of vodka every night can be good for them, as registered dietitian Laura Krebs-Holm noted. “A study suggests that vodka and wine can help improve cholesterol levels by raising HDL cholesterol (also known as ‘good cholesterol’) in the blood,” he told The List. Another vodka gifts uk study found that both red wine and vodka can promote cardiovascular health by increasing blood vessel formation.” However, according to this assessment of the studies, the benefits are only for those who drink moderately, which is defined as one drink a day for women and one or two drinks for men. One drink is 5 ounces of wine, 12 ounces of beer or 1 1/2 ounces of liquor, such as vodka.
Such changes would tend to prevent the formation of small blood clots that can block arteries in the heart, neck and brain, the leading cause of many heart attacks and the most common type of stroke. Unfortunately for people who drink vodka every night, drinking alcohol every day has been associated with an increased risk of disease, researcher Dr. Sarah M. Hartz. “Consuming one or two drinks about four days a week seemed to protect against cardiovascular disease, but drinking every day eliminated those benefits,” he explained in an interview with Medical News Today. “As far as cancer risk is concerned, any alcohol consumption was harmful.” Excessive alcohol consumption can cause serious heart problems, but moderate use can reduce the risk of heart failure.
While moderate alcohol consumption can reduce your risk of certain conditions, a healthy diet and exercise are more beneficial to prevent heart disease and have no adverse effects. No medical authority suggests that people who don’t drink should drink to access health benefits. The idea that moderate consumption protects against cardiovascular disease is biological and scientific logical. Moderate amounts of alcohol increase lipoprotein levels with high density (HDL or “good” cholesterol) and higher HDL levels are associated with increased protection against heart disease.
One of the most popular health benefits of vodka is its protective effect against heart disease. An obstructed blood flow to the heart can lead to the development of life-threatening conditions, such as heart attacks and strokes. Vodka also helps promote the amount of HDL or good cholesterol in the body.